Roll of a Monitor

Who is a provider of supervised visitation?

Family Code section 3200 defines the term provider as including any individual or supervised visitation center that monitors visitation.


Role of the Professional Visitation Monitor

We make every effort to provide a safe visit for the child and remain neutral at all times, including not discussing the merits of the case and not supporting or being in agreement with one parent over the other while adhering to and enforcing the court order regarding supervised visitation.

Providers cannot change conditions set forth on any court order

The monitor's job is to observe and notate everything they see and hear between the visiting parent and the child. To protect the child is our primary directive. The right monitor can ideally be a beacon of light in an often dismal situation. The role of the monitor helps to promote the safety and welfare of the child so as not to interfere with a normal, healthy child/parent interaction.

Our training includes domestic violence, child abuse, documentation, CPR and drug and alcohol addiction classes. Our training complies with Uniform Standards of Practice for the California Court section 26.2. A thorough LiveScan background check is provided by each monitor prior to working with us.

Professional Providers

  • are independent of all parties
  • seek to ensure that contact and contact changeovers proceed as agreed
  • relay factual information relevant to the child's welfare
  • intervene, where necessary or appropriate, to ensure the welfare of the child
  • facilitate child/parent interaction during contact
  • terminate the contact visit where necessary
  • provide correction to the relevant party where appropriate
  • document contact visits